The speaker’s corner is an open-air public discussion area located in Hyde park at the corner of Marble arch. This place is designated freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The major topics discussed politics, religion, philosophy and anything else. People who congregate can speak about any subject as long as the speeches are lawful and police intervene when they receive complaints.
The story of speaker’s corner starts back in 1866 by the Reform league’s protest. The Reform league was a political party which demanded manhood suffrage. The protesters forced the gates to break into the park during the riot. As the railings fell, this story became known as the “Hyde park railing affair”. This political party was mostly backed by middle class people and supported the Reform Bill act 1867. The reform bill act 1867 allowed more people from the men working class to be able to vote. Since then Speaker’s corner and marble arch has become the main starting spot for protests for any cause or subject up until today. Gatherings for discussions and debates with many speakers and people walking around.